SENSA Design & Constructions is a creative and dynamic team of Sri Lanka and Gulf experienced professional Designers with a passion to create beautiful spaces. We specialize in design and problem solving apart from specific building typologies to offer creative solutions to a wide range of project types

We believe in the synergy of style and functionality. Our designs smoothly blend into the surrounding environment conveying beauty and purpose. Endlessly creative and exhaustively thorough, we are the architects who will provide you with all your requirements for residential developments and commercial developments.


To be viewed as a respected designer & Contractor, providing high quality design and services to our clients with honesty and integrity


To be the preeminent provider of superior construction services by consistently improving the quality of our product; to add value for clients through innovation, foresight, integrity, and aggressive performance


“Building our bridge towards success”

Since SENSA Design & Construction was founded the business has developed and grown far in excess of our original thoughts. With first-class personnel, careful planning, and fiscal awareness the company has grown a proven track record in being able to provide an excellent service in Architectural & Interior Designing, Construction, and Facility Management Services fields. It is upon this that we are determined to build for the future.

We have continuously aimed for a truly professional organization where industry best practice is followed and where quality is not just a compliance issue but one of our foremost goals. I believe that one of the key elements to our success has been the teamwork at all levels from top to bottom in the organization

I would like to take this opportunity to call up our esteemed employees, clients, consultants, material suppliers, subcontractors, partners to keep on working together and contribute their level best towards the achievement of our Company’s core objectives so that SENSA Design & Constructions becomes one of the most preferred construction firms operating in the sector.


Amila Thiranagama

Managing Director

Sarasi Thalagala

Marketing Manager

Arjuna Fernando

Project Engineer

Dilsara Jayasekara

3D Design Lead